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The logistics and material handling is achieved through roller conveyors, synchronous belt conveyors, and robotic transfer systems. Data generated from each workstation can be independently uploaded to the company's MES (Manufacturing Execution System). Production data, process data, and technical data are traceable. The system supports MES integration and standalone operation of line-side servers.
Photovoltaic (PV) solution refers to a system that harnesses solar energy to generate electricity using photovoltaic cells. These commercial solar modules and PV solutions are widely used in the field of renewable energy, providing a clean and sustainable alternative to meet global energy demands.
The equipment is used to laser weld the liquid injection port of the top cover of square aluminum shell batteries to the aluminum nail to achieve the full sealing of the battery.
Prismatic Cell Production Line Turnkey Solution provides a variety of benefits for businesses looking to enter or expand the production of prismatic lithium-ion battery cells. With professional guidance and technical support throughout the setup process, businesses can reduce risks and ensure seamless operations.
Customization options provide flexibility, while turnkey solutions for prismatic lithium battery production save costs and allow scalability, making them an attractive choice for lithium-ion prismatic cell factories.